This is my first time blogging so please bear with me!
We are currently in Gulf Shores, Alabama for the BPL (the Livesay family reunion.) There is an annual golf tournament, which my husband won this year! We have had a couple of family dinners, the last one consisted of a game for the grandchildren, "Are You Smarter Than A Grandfather." Libby was on a team but being three she didn't like all the commotion and clapping so unfortunately we had to leave early. But we were told the tiebreaker question was "How are Summer and Libby related?" to which Summer replied "Who is Libby?" They are actually third cousins. It has been fun meeting new relatives.
Libby has loved the beach! But I have just found out my husband doesn't like the mess of the sand! He is a pool person I now know. Aunt Laura and Caleb left this morning before 5 AM. I was up changing laundry from the washer to dryer. I went back upstairs to lay down and thought about watching the sunrise. Libby poked her head up so I got her up and took her to the beach with me. I took my Chronological Bible for me and sand buckets for her. We had the whole beach to ourselves and it was very peaceful. A couple of walkers, a slew of birds and then a bird as tall as Libby, which I am calling a crane. I watched him for the longest time. Very majestic. Although I was a little scared that he might just come running towards us at any moment.
Of course I hadn't brought my camera. We packed up and returned to our beach house (see picture below.) Bobby was up so I left Libby with him so I could get the camera to take a picture. I was sure the crane would be gone by this point. However, he was there but my batteries were low and it wouldn't let me take a picture. I felt like the bible story with the ten virgins with lamps waiting, five had oil and five didn't. I wasn't prepared and was going to miss the picture! I ran back and borrowed batteries from the Sampsons' camera and trekked back. Thank the Lord, he waited for me. I took a ton of pictures but only posted the one. I wanted to see him fly and sure enough as I was taking my last picture he took off. I just watched in amazement! Our God is so good! What a way to start the day and it wasn't even eight o'clock yet.

Oops! I just lost the picture of our beach house but I will try and get it back. {Its back but above this time.} Here is the picture of Libby's footprint in the sand. How precious -- I got this with all the crane pictures and I wasn't even expecting it. She loves to see her footprints in the sand so I am so happy that I got one on camera for her and for us to remember.
In reading my devo for this morning (and yesterdays since I hadn't read it) I am in Micah and came across one of my favorite verses:
He has showned you, O [wo]man, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
I remember in NYC there was a building on the corner of Fifth Avenue (which is across from Central Park and not Park Avenue as you would think) and some street that I would love to get a picture of. It was undergoing renovation and I pray they left those reminders ( the italics above) on there for future generations.
Later in Micah 7 it talks about an enemy asking "Where is the Lord your God" when even "though I have fallen, I will rise" and I thought of the Pittmans friends back in Thailand. They don't understand how our God could allow this to happen to Gracie. I would love to say to their friend that our God is right here with us in the midst of our trials. Our God "delights to show mercy." I just felt like singing Chris Tomlin's song,
"Indescribable, Uncontainable, You placed the stars in the sky and you know them by name. You are amazing God.
All powerful, untamable, Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim, You are amazing God."
It is almost eleven. Bobby is taking a shower, Libby is watching her DVD "Christy", the Sampsons are at the pool, and Bob and Kim are walking on the beach. I am going to wrap up my first blog. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! Please comment. Or email me.