Libby's latest achievement -- going to the potty! While her cousin Macy was here over the July Fourth holiday, she really did not want to wear diapers. She naturally wants to be big like Macy and that means wearing panties. They left for Nashville on a Thursday and she was going to the potty on Friday -- peer pressure can be a good thing at this age!
We have a sticker chart above her pink potty in the bathroom -- gold crowns for #1 and red crowns for #2. She has the first one down but still wants to put a diaper on for the second. Since she loves going to Gattitown, we decided to use this as an incentive. It worked once so off we went. Here she is with Bobby on the carousel, her favorite ride. You can check the bottom of the blog for Libby's Latest to keep update on her newest achievements. Thanks for viewing