Verse of the Day

Friday, December 28, 2007

Today's Top Ten in no particular order

1. Jesus made the sky and Jesus made us!

2. Do dogs yawn? (after she had yawned, I then yawned, and I had tried to explain "contagious" to her!)

3. I don't talk well (she just couldn't get out what she wanted to say. I know she was tired, no nap today, but I need to pay more attention to when she "stutters", she doesn't stutter the first letter, but the whole word. It makes me sad to hear her say this. I want to know how I can help her, tonight I just suggested she use her hands and that worked.)

4. This is the best Christmas ever (while we were wrapping Nana Kim's present, I was letting her cut the paper and she was sticking tape everywhere, she wrote her name on the gift tag and it turned out Anna, she doesn't yet know left to right, she usually writes backwards and wherever there is room)

5. I am disappointed (don't remember at what, but I know I say this to her when she does something she shouldn't, maybe it was because she didn't get to go shopping with her Mama and me)

6. She asked me to sing to her as we rocked, "Happy Birthday to Jesus"

7. We went to the library to return some of my books, because of the rain, I was just going to drive through the book drop, but she wanted to go in and look at the books. I followed her around the shelves and watched as she would pull out random ones, and then put them back (my OCD kicked in a little as I stressed if she put them in the correct spot but I let it go quickly!), we jumped on the circular alphabet carpet spelling our names, she went to "check her email" while I searched the other computer card catalog for Merry Christmas Big Hungry Bear (couldn't remember the author of Big Hungry Bear, her favorite book right now) Don and Audrey Wood so off we went to find it. One of her favorite episodes of Caillou is him going to the library with his library card, so we had to get her one. She was so excited! Carried it around proudly everywhere and wanted to tell everyone! How precious, my little reader!

8. While we were driving and talking, she replied to me "not exactly", I guess she has been seeing too many of those Hertz commercials, crack me up!

9. Very interested in "what time is it", loves anything on the half hour, when asked when we were going to Granddaddy's she replied "about six thirty" which was correct, when we were trying to nap she asked me when we were going to get up, "4:30 or 5", "I think five, mommy"

10. Just watching her tonight, run back and forth from the kitchen to the den, taking requests and relaying messages, very dramatic, saying the prayer twice, because the first time she didn't have everyone's attention, after finishing her dinner and leaving to play, she came back in and "do you know what time it is? present time!" trying to get the rest of us to hurry up and eat our dinner! where are our priorities?

Mom and Bobby, feel free to add any sayings you can remember from today!

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